Areas of Study
Teaching Ancient Wisdom, Living Magic
Sacred Living
Sacred Livinghelps students deepen and enrich their connection to, and experience of, the Sacred in everyday life, serving all those who are on a journey to explore the nature of the Sacred and who want to live in a mindful and sacred manner, in right relationship with themselves, humanity, and nature.
Magick and Witchcraft
Magick and Witchcraft covers the study and practice of magick through comprehensive, hands-on instruction, growing and sustaining a supportive community of learners and practitioners, and encouraging personal development, leadership, and service on all levels.
Pagan Spirituality
Pagan Spirituality focuses on the theology, ethics, history, and the philosophy of various Pagan and Heathen spiritual paths, including Wicca, Druidry, Dianic Wicca/Goddess Spirituality Asatru, eclectic Paganism, and reconstructed/surviving traditions.
Pagan Leadership
Pagan Leadership offers training in all aspects of leadership from an alternative and magickal point of view. This includes communications, organization development, group dynamics, program planning, ritual design and leadership, teaching, networking, and pastoral counseling.