The Magick of Diana’s Bow

The Magick of Diana’s Bow

We are all familiar with the energy of dark and full moon, but the moon has many faces and phases, all of which can be used in  our magick.. KareIsis covers what the Diana’s Bow moon phase can be used for and how it relates to its associated deity (Artemis or Diana),...
What is Pagan?

What is Pagan?

We have grappled with the concept of ‘spirituality.’ In this seminar we take on the concept of ‘P/pagan.’ What does the word mean to you? How do you define or explain being Pagan, or a Pagan? Is Pagan only one of the collection of modern, mostly Western European...
Volunteer Work Party on Saturday, Feb 11

Volunteer Work Party on Saturday, Feb 11

FREE LUNCH!!! This coming Saturday, February 11, you are invited to come to a work party at Ardantane… and earn, or re-earn, the noble designation of “Ardantane Blessed Beaver.” We will gather about 9:00 am, and work until 3 or 4, whenever we reach a...