Thank you for your willingness to make a donation to Ardantane. Here are some ways you can donate:
Monthly Donations
Become a member! Go to our Membership page and become a member, or if you’d just like to donate:
PayPal: If you have a PayPal account, go online to PayPal, and make the donation there. Or you can go through the Ardantane website and click the “Donate” button in the footer and get to your PayPal account. Then click the “Send Money” menu and fill in the blanks for an automatic payment from your checking account or credit card (or PayPal credit).
Mail a check: You can handwrite a check and mail it to the Ardantane address each month. If you would like a 12-month supply of pre-addressed envelopes, we can send them; just ask.
PO Box 307
Jemez Springs, NM 87025
Credit Card: Give us your credit card information and we can arrange a monthly billing to your credit card. Needless to say, your credit card information will not be shared with anyone, but the Ardantane staff member who handles this!
We will need the name as it appears on the card, billing address, card type, number, expiration date, and the security code on the back.
You can call Amber K with your card information (first contact her at 505-469-7777.
Through your bank: Go into your bank and ask the teller if they have an automatic billpaying service. If so, you can arrange a monthly check to be mailed to Ardantane, PO Box 307, Jemez Springs, NM 87025. (Some banks will let you set it up online, if you are used to online banking.) We like this method because we actually see each check as it comes through.
Website each month: Once eadch month you can go to the Ardantane website ( and click on the PayPal “Donate” button in the footer and make a payment
One Time Donations
PayPal: If you have a PayPal account, go online to PayPal, and make the donation there. Or you can go through the Ardantane website and click the “Donate” button in the footer and get to your PayPal account. Enter the amount you’d like to give and sign in to complete the transaction.
Mail a check: You can handwrite a check and mail it to the Ardantane address
PO Box 307
Jemez Springs, NM 87025
Credit Card: Give us your credit card information and we can arrange a monthly billing on your credit card. Needless to say, your credit card information will not be shared with anyone, but the Ardantane staff member who handles this!
We will need the name as it appears on the card, billing address, card type, number, expiration date, and the security code on the back. You can call Amber K with your card information (first contact her at 505-469-7777.
Another way to help out
AmazonSmile: Amazon will now donate 0.5% of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Ardantane when you shop at Amazon Smile.
Simply click the logo above and indicate that you want Ardantane to be your preferred charity. Then whenever you buy from Amazon, do it through AmazonSmile and we’ll get a little donation at no cost to you. After that you can click on the logo any time you’re on the website to shop!