Many people would like sex, gender, and sexual orientation to be simple, but they’re not. Join Amber for an update of our rapidly-expanding knowledge on these three distinct topics, the many “new” variants that have actually been part of the human experience for ages, the changing terms and definitions, the “culture wars” and public policy, and the effects on younger generations. Let’s make some sense out of a kaleidoscope of new information on some very old topics. You can even ask questions anonymously in Chat.
Amber has been studying human sexuality for over 60 years, is a former certified “About Your Sexuality” instructor, and is currently writing a book on the subject.
Amber K is a third degree priestess of the Wiccan faith. She was initiated at the Temple of the Pagan Way in Chicago and served on the Council of Elders there. Her books on magick and the Craft have been widely circulated in the United States and Europe, and for nearly 25 years she has traveled across the U.S. teaching the Craft. She has worked with Circle and the Re-Formed Congregation of the Goddess, and served as National First Officer of the Covenant of the Goddess for three terms. She is a founder of Our Lady of the Woods and the Ladywood Tradition of Wicca, and currently is Executive Director of Ardantane, a Wiccan/Pagan seminary is northern New Mexico.
This class is free to supporting members of Ardantane. Others must register below. Be sure to add the number of tickets you want before clicking the Blue GET TICKETS button. The fee is $10.
Registration closes at 5PM Mountain Time on Thursday, June 1st.