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Witch’s Toolkit

April 8 @ 7:00 pm - April 29 @ 9:00 pm

$80.00 – $100.00

The Witch’s Toolkit online with various elders

Wednesdays, April 8, 15, 22, 29 from 7-9 pm Mountain Time
Every year we offer this 4-week course in the skills and traditions of witchcraft, and every year the topics are different… whether aspects of magick, divination, ritual tools, spiritual self-care, or other juicy subjects.

This year we are excited to introduce you to four teachers who are new to the Witch’s Toolkit classes, although not new to Ardantane.

This year’s classes will be
Stay tuned for this year’s topics.

Woman with glasses, shoulder-length brown hair, glasses, and a turquoise and silver necklace.April 8 Sterling, Magickal Art Learn how to create art with magickal intent.



April 15 Kalisha kfp Traditional Tools, their history and how they are used



A woman with shoulder length blond hair and a turquoise scarf leans against a tree.April 22 Monica , Magickal Guidance,
From Oracle and Tarot decks to Guides, Animal Totems and Familiars, come learn the basics in learning to open to and trust your own Guidance, as well as how to upgrade your communication channels. For all queries, we will learn to ask the question – WWMD? What Would Magic Do?

April 29 Valkyrie, Kitchen Witchery, Make your kitchen a magickal, loving space to nurture family, friends,  and yourself.

Fee for the whole series is $80 for Members, and $100 for non-members.


April 8 @ 7:00 pm
April 29 @ 9:00 pm
$80.00 – $100.00
Event Category:
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NM 87025 United States




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Witch's Toolkit Member
$ 80.00
Witch's Toolkit Non-member
$ 100.00