Volunteer Work Day: April 8

Ardantane Campus Jemez Pueblo, NM, United States

If you live within driving distance of Ardantane, we could sure use your help on Saturday April 8!   Our campus needs a LOT of tender loving care... we're still catching up from Covid.   Whether you're a total amateur or a building pro, we've got ALL KINDS of projects that need your help!   Painting […]


Circle Meeting April 9

Online NM, United States

Our Board meetings in 2023 will all be held on Zoom. Please contact amberk1@ardantane.org or call 505-469-7777 for an invitation via email. The members of the Ardantane Circle (the Board, staff, faculty, students, and anyone else interested in steering Ardantane’s boat) meet every two months to make decisions about the curriculum and the campus. Come […]

History of Ardantane

Online NM, United States

Ardantane has existed for over 25 years, most of them at the campus in the Jemez Mountains.  Rowan has been involved from its beginnings in northern New Mexico.  Join her to learn more about the challenges and triumphs that make the campus what it is today, exciting plans for Ardantane’s future, and how you can […]


Kemeticism – Ancient Egyptian Spirituality For Modern Pagans

Online NM, United States

The ancient Egyptians worshiped their gods for at least 3,000+ years before the Romans closed their temples and imposed Christianity. What draws some of us to ancient Egypt and its complex mythologies? Learn some key concepts of Kemetic practice, how ancient Egypt has profoundly influenced our culture, and how one follower has navigated her path. […]



Online NM, United States

We know Danu as the ancestral Celtic Mother Goddess and mother of the Irish Tuatha Dé Danann, which means “tribe of Danu.” She is also known as Dana, Anu, and as her Welsh equivalent, Dôn. However, Danu is much older than the Irish mythological cycles or the Welsh Mabinogion. She is the oldest known Goddess […]


Living the Wheel of the Year

Online NM, United States

The Pagan spiritual year is based upon our agrarian ancestor's observations of the cycles of the sun and earth. We celebrate the landmarks of those cycles with our Sabbat celebrations. This Fireside Seminar will review what the major stations of the wheel are, not for celebration purposes, but rather to find how we can integrate […]


BELTANE: Saturday, May 6

Ardantane Campus Jemez Pueblo, NM, United States

Saturday, May 6, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Ardantane Campus. Free. There will will songs, stories, fellowship and feasting. Bring a potluck dish or beverage, and wear red and white if you wish. No charge, though freewill donations are welcome. Call Amber at (505) 469-7777 for directions. You may RSVP below if you like.BELTANE: Saturday, May […]


Wicca 101

Online NM, United States

An introduction to the Old Religion, the Craft of the Wise; with history, gods and goddesses, magick and ritual, spiritual practices, customs and traditions, covens and solitaries, cosmology and myths, the Wheel of the Year and more, from experienced Witches. This class will be taught over four evenings online.  Students will be asked to complete […]


Is Your Magickal Glass Half Empty or Half Full? Part I

Online NM, United States

In the second of the continuing 2023 Moon Series presented by Colorado Witches, Lydia Smith and D Garret will explore the magickal workings best done at a quarter moon.  Witches often do magicK on the new and full moons, but the quarter moon provides powerful Moon energy also. The Quarter Moon shows only half Her […]


Volunteer Work Day

Ardantane Campus Jemez Pueblo, NM, United States

We work from 8:00 or 9:00 AM, depending on the season… starting earlier in summer, later in winter. We begin with a simple opening ceremony, and end sometime in the afternoon, usually around 4:00 PM—but you can come at any time during the day. (Some folks do special projects at other times, to fit their […]
