Your Spirit Council and the Divine Array

Online NM, United States

A Spirit Council is a group of non-physical /spirit beings that you call upon for guidance or counsel. Yours might include: goddesses and gods, spirit guides, angels; younger, middle, and higher selves; ancestors, revered figures from history, animal allies, and plant devas; and even fictional figures from art and literature. A Divine Array is a select group of […]

Mary Magdalene

Online NM, United States

In this transformative seminar, we will explore the profound role of Mary Magdalene as a symbol of the Divine Feminine. Through history, myth, and modern interpretations, we will uncover the hidden wisdom and sacred power that Magdalene embodies—connecting her to the archetypal feminine energy that has been suppressed and forgotten in many spiritual traditions. Join […]

History of Tarot

Online NM, United States

The history of Tarot is a fascinating and complex story that spans centuries, blending elements of mysticism, psychology, and art. The origins of Tarot cards are often shrouded in mystery and myth, with many people believing they have ancient roots, particularly in Egypt. However, the actual history of Tarot is far more grounded in European […]

Styles of Allyship

Online NM, United States

In the current social climate, many pagans are searching for ways to act for change. Whether you're advocating for social justice, inclusion, or equity, this session will help you identify your personal allyship style, understand its strengths and challenges, and learn actionable strategies to support marginalized communities with authenticity and impact. Perfect for anyone looking […]


Online NM, United States

Join the Ardantane team for an online observance of Imbolc (or Candlemas), the celebration of the Celtic Goddess Brighid and the cross-quarter between the winter solstice and spring equinox. Help us celebrate the return of the growing season and the hope of surviving another winter. This is also a time when many pagans and Wiccans […]

Imbolg Sabbat Ritual at Ardantane

Ardantane Campus Jemez Pueblo, NM, United States

Saturday, February 1, 6:00 pm, at the Ardantane Campus. Free. Join us as we mark the first signs of Spring and honor the Celtic goddess Brigit, lady of inspiration and poetry, healing, and smithcraft. There will will songs, stories, fellowship and feasting. Bring a potluck dish or beverage, and wear red and white if you […]

History of Witchcraft

Online NM, United States

Is the modern religion of Wicca related to ancient magickal practices? How? Were the women and men executed for Witchcraft during the burning times really practicing witchcraft? Why were they accused?  Do we know what they actually did? Answers to these questions and more in this Ardantane class. History is far from the dull recitation […]

Get Tickets $80.00 – $100.00

Sacred Circles

Online NM, United States

The powerful energies of Stones Circles have drawn humans and sacred worshippers throughout time. Their healing and transformational energies are available to us all now on an even more expanded scale, due to increased activities in Ley Lines and the Planetary Grid. Since their appearances increased in complexity in the 1990s, Crop Circles have been […]

Volunteer Work Day February 2025

Ardantane Campus Jemez Pueblo, NM, United States

Contribute your energy, time, and talents to the upkeep of our beautiful campus near Jemez Springs, New Mexico. We work from 8:00 or 9:00 AM, depending on the season… starting earlier in summer, later in winter. We begin with a simple opening ceremony, and end sometime in the afternoon, usually around 4:00 PM—but you can […]

Charms and Spells

Online NM, United States

Mother Earth has given us powerful tools to assist us in our lives & on our  journey. In this class, we will explore the metaphysical properties of stones, specifically those used throughout the ages to invoke love & passion. We will also learn the magical properties and uses of various plants and herbs that call in […]

The State of the Forests on Planet Earth

Online NM, United States

What is a forest, officially defined, and what different kinds of forests, groves, copses, jungles, wealds, and woodlands do the three trillion trees of Earth inhabit?  What is the life cycle of a forest, and how have they evolved and changed over the eons… and due to the activities of humanity? How do you nurture […]

What is British Traditional Witchcraft/Wicca

Online NM, United States

The history of Witchcraft in the UK is rich, diverse, and often misunderstood. While witchcraft has been practiced in various forms throughout history, many of the myths surrounding the tradition have been perpetuated and distorted, especially in modern times. The story of Traditional Witchcraft in the UK and its offshoots is a fascinating journey of […]