School of Sacred Living

We are sacred beings living in a sacred world, and the School of Sacred Living was established to help students deepen and enrich their connection to, and experience of, the Sacred in everyday life. This is an inclusive school, serving all those who are on a journey to explore the nature of the Sacred and who want to live in a mindful and sacred manner, in right relationship with themselves, humanity, and nature. These courses may be especially appropriate for lay people who do not see themselves as priests, priestesses, healers, Witches, magicians, or shamans. However, they could also serve as a strong foundation for individuals who have a vocation in one of these roles. Welcome to your Sacred Journey, Sacred Life.

The mission of the School of Sacred Living is threefold:
- To provide learning experiences that recognize the Sacred in all aspects of life; deepen and enrich the student’s personal connection to, and relationship with, the Sacred; promote living in harmony with the Sacred; and foster and support sustainable living.
- To create a community of those on their own Sacred Journeys.
- To cross-connect to, support, and interact with all the Ardantane schools of study and practice.
The School of Sacred Living does not offer a Certificate Program. Each student’s life, lived in a Sacred way, is their Certificate. You know when your life is Sacred, and do not need anyone outside to say how many courses or credits equal a Sacred Life.