Welcome to the intriguing realm of Empty Hands Magick, where the power of manifestation lies within the depths of your being, unaided by conventional tools or instruments. In this class, we embark on a transformative journey, exploring the ancient wisdom and...
Join us for an introduction to Magickal Alphabets, including Egyptian heiroglyphics, gematria, runes, ogham, Theban, Enochian, Celestial, Passing the River, and many more, including ones like the Voynich Manuscript that has never been deciphered. We will discuss why...
In the second of the continuing 2023 Moon Series presented by Colorado Witches, Lydia Smith and D Garret will explore the magickal workings best done at a quarter moon. Witches often do magicK on the new and full moons, but the quarter moon provides powerful Moon...