Fear and Courage in Pagan Spirituality

Fear and Courage in Pagan Spirituality

All of us have fears. Every one of us. As people who are growing spiritually, we need to face those fears, understand them, and transform them… using all the skills and magickal techniques we can muster. This is part of Shadow work. Join Amber for a deep dive into our...
Dark Moon

Dark Moon

The dark moon is a time to reflect, delve into the dark of our unconscious, and observe ourselves with greater clarity. For many witches, this is a very different time than that of the new moon. This evening we will explore the time when the moon is dark but it is not...
The Morrigan

The Morrigan

The Morrigan is one of the most complex goddesses of the Celtic pantheon. She is the “Great Queen” or “Phantom Queen;” the shape-shifter; commonly called a Goddess of War, Fate, and Death. But she is also Goddess of Sovereignty and Queen of the Fairies,...
Liminality: With Hekate at the Edge of All Things

Liminality: With Hekate at the Edge of All Things

The ancient and powerful goddess Hekate is a goddess of liminal places. She is Hekate Enodia, goddess of the branching paths; Hekate Trioditis, lady of the crossroads; Hekate Prodomos, guardian of the threshold. She rules choices, transitions, tipping points,...
A Busy Week at Ardantane!

A Busy Week at Ardantane!

Diviner’s Toolkit, Shadow Work: Finding Your Hidden Allies and Goddess Retreat Diviner’s Toolkit Registration for The Diviner’s Toolkit closes on October 2nd.  Go to https://ardantane.org/event/the-diviners-toolkit/ while there is still time to...