Dark Moon

Dark Moon

The dark moon is a time to reflect, delve into the dark of our unconscious, and observe ourselves with greater clarity. For many witches, this is a very different time than that of the new moon. This evening we will explore the time when the moon is dark but it is not...
The Goddess Brighid

The Goddess Brighid

The Goddess Brighid is one of the great Goddesses of the Celts and was so revered in Ireland that she has survived into the present as a Catholic saint. Solar Goddess – an association usually reserved for male deities – and the “Fire in the Head,” Brighid is a Goddess...
Is Your Magickal Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Is Your Magickal Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

In the 4th of the continuing 2023 Moon Series presented by Colorado Witches, Lydia Smith and D Garret will explore the magickal workings best done at a quarter moon. Witches often do magick on the new and full moons, but the quarter moon provides powerful Moon energy...


September 15 7:00-9:00 pm MT Online Robert Graves in The White Goddess called Cerridwen the British Moon Goddess, Goddess of Grain, and the Great White Sow who consumes the dead so they may be reborn. Keeper of the Cauldron, and Shapeshifter, Cerridwen is the Welsh...