Yule Traditions

Yule Traditions

As part of our Ardantane Sabbat series, Ardantane faculty members Amber K and Azrael Arynn K will lead us on a journey through the many traditions associated with the Winter Solstice, as known as Yule. Amber K is a third degree priestess of the Wiccan faith. She was...
The Dark Side of Yule

The Dark Side of Yule

From Krampus to Elf on a Shelf, Victor Gibbs will present a discussion of the various Yuletide characters who have been seen lurking behind Jolly Saint Nick. Victor Gibbs has been a devotee of Paganism since the early 1980s. He grew up in Los Alamos, spending a lot of...
The Morrigan

The Morrigan

The Morrigan is one of the most complex goddesses of the Celtic pantheon. She is the “Great Queen” or “Phantom Queen;” the shape-shifter; commonly called a Goddess of War, Fate, and Death. But she is also Goddess of Sovereignty and Queen of the Fairies,...
Liminality: With Hekate at the Edge of All Things

Liminality: With Hekate at the Edge of All Things

The ancient and powerful goddess Hekate is a goddess of liminal places. She is Hekate Enodia, goddess of the branching paths; Hekate Trioditis, lady of the crossroads; Hekate Prodomos, guardian of the threshold. She rules choices, transitions, tipping points,...
Online Rituals

Online Rituals

Moonbeam Mage is inviting you: During the recent Teaching Intensive class Ardantane held online, I heard several people asking about on-line rituals for Sabbats/Moon Phases or as we feel so moved. I would like folks who are interested in discussing the whys and...