YULE: Saturday, December 21

YULE: Saturday, December 21

Saturday, December 21, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Ardantane Campus. Free. There will will songs, stories, fellowship and feasting. Bring a potluck dish or beverage, and wear red and white if you wish. No charge, though freewill donations are welcome. Call Amber at (505)...
Yule Traditions: An online class and meditation

Yule Traditions: An online class and meditation

It’s time to celebrate Yule, the Winter Solstice! As we honor the returning light, we’ll learn how Yule has been and continues to be celebrated across the pagan world. Then we’ll engage in a ritual designed to connect us with the season’s magic. We’ll...
Mabon Ritual Online

Mabon Ritual Online

Celebrate the autumnal equinox with our online Mabon ritual, a virtual gathering where we honor the balance between light and dark. Join us as we create sacred space from the comfort of your home, guided by the gentle transition of the seasons. Through guided...
Celebrating the Lughnassad Harvest

Celebrating the Lughnassad Harvest

Lughnassad celebrates the Celtic god Lugh of the Long Arm, God of Many Skills; it is also the first of three harvest festivals, the grain harvest. Let’s explore the lore and legends, and the many fun and delicious ways we can celebrate the day! From the traditional...
Beltane Online Ritual

Beltane Online Ritual

April 26 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Beltane or Bealtaine is the Celtic May Day festival celebrated by modern pagans as one of our main Sabbats. Falling at a point midway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, Beltane festivities often focus on fire,...