April 12, 7PC-9 PM Mpuntain Time ONLINE

Doreen Valiente was Gerald Gardner’s High Priestess, and the author of The Charge of the Goddess, along with many moving pieces of Pagan poetry and ritual. She hasn’t received the attention of her more famous colaborator, and she should. Learn why and how she became attracted to the practice of witchcraft and what her contributions have been with Rowan, an avid student of modern Wiccan history.

Rowan has been active in the pagan community of northern New Mexico for over 35 years. She is a third degree initiate of the Ladywoods tradition and currently serves as the Dean of the School of Magick and Witchcraft at Ardantane. In her mundane life, she holds a BS in education from UT El Paso, and an MBA from UNM. She has taught at festivals in New Mexico and Colorado and nationally, but enjoys teaching at Ardantane the most.

This class is free to supporting members of Ardantane. Others must register at https://ardantane.org/event/doreen-valiente/. . Be sure to add the number of tickets you want before clicking the Blue GET TICKETS button. The fee is $10.

Registration closes at 5PM Mountain Time on Thursday, April 11th.