Wicca 101

Online NM, United States

This is the first week of a four week program. Taught by Rowan and Bridget June 7, 14, 21, 28 History, gods and goddesses, magick and ritual, spiritual practices, customs […]


Litha Traditions

Online NM, United States

These Friday seminars are as much about building community as they are about learning. Tonight the Ardantane community comes together to learn, share and celebrate the Summer Solstice, also known […]


Sacred Journey, Sacred Life

Online NM, United States

Join us in exploring the sacred journey that is your life. For one evening, join a caring fellowship of seekers on this quest. Gather and share tools, techniques, and paradigms […]


Litha Ritual and Back to the Land Day at Ardantane

Online NM, United States

The Ardantane Board has decided that it is time for in person rituals to resume on the campus, starting with Litha on June 18. Wear blue and yellow festive wear, […]

Ardantane Circle Meeting

Online NM, United States

The members of the Ardantane Circle meet every two months via Zoom to make decisions about the curriculum and the campus. Come join us to help us plan for Ardantane’s […]

Fundamentals of Astrology III

Online NM, United States

Tour of the Zodiac & the Astrological Houses In this final introductory (class) *seminar*, we will look at the houses *and signs*, the influence they have on the planets that […]


Developing a Relationship with a Deity

Online NM, United States

Pagans and Wiccans often speak of working with a particular Deity. What does that mean? How does one develop a working relationship with Deity? Must one wait to be chosen? […]


Reading Natal Charts

Online NM, United States

This is the first of a five week course meeting on Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, and August 2. How would you like to learn an interesting and fun […]


Pagan Chant

Online NM, United States

Tara Keine and other members of the Crow Women will lead this fun evening of pagan chant. We’ll teach a few favorite chants and all sing “together” in a circle […]


Volunteer Work Day

Ardantane Campus Jemez Pueblo, NM, United States

We work from 8:00 or 9:00 AM, depending on the season… starting earlier in summer, later in winter. We begin with a simple opening ceremony, and end sometime in the […]

Reading Natal Charts

Online NM, United States

This is the second of a five week course meeting on Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, and August 2. How would you like to learn an interesting and fun […]

Deities and Heroes in the Sky

Online NM, United States

People have been using the sky to honor their deities throughout recorded history. Kerr Cuhulain takes us on a brief tour of the sky to see these deities and how […]
