Is Your Magickal Glass Half Empty or Half Full? Part I, May 12

In the second of the continuing 2023 Moon Series presented by Colorado Witches, Lydia Smith and D Garret will explore the magickal workings best done at a quarter moon.  Witches often do magicK on the new and full moons, but the quarter moon provides powerful Moon energy also. The Quarter Moon shows only half Her face – is the magickal glass half empty or full?  D and Lydia will help us to learn how we can use this time of balance with Moon energy to assist and empower us.  As a bonus, in the Autumn, Lydia and D will do another unique presentation on the corresponding waxing quarter moon, giving us true balance for this 2023 Moon Series.

Lydia Smith has a BA in Religion. She has been the high priestess of the Sisters of the Turquoise Moon Coven for 25 years.  She is a licensed facilitator of the World Groove Movement. She has taught movement as prayer and also performance skills for rituals at workshops and at UU Churches. She is the creator and designer for VIXENFringe, upcycling clothing to provide an alternative to fast fashion. She has also been a palm reader for over 40 years.  Her creations can be seen here:

D Garrett, Sister Sol Stardust is a 3rd degrees eclectic Wiccan Priestess and Witch.  She has co-led rituals at Earth Temple, and Hearthstone, Dragonfest, and Beltania and private rituals in her home.  She prefers simple and highly focused rituals.  D is adept and practiced in curios, oracle card reading, pendulum, mirror, and water scrying.  She is a full-time visual artist, tinkerer, and muralist, painting and crafting with magical intention matching her clients’ visions.  D led a series of workshops in 2021 called Socially Crafted Witches Hour and other workshops at Denver Pagan Pride and Dark Goddess festivals. In her rituals and workshops, safe space is created, and maintained for participants to express themselves, prioritizing acceptance, and inclusion, hoping that some are able to open to their unseen allies, always encouraging them to remember our intention and that our intention resides and is present in the work.

This class is free to supporting members of Ardantane. Others must register at Be sure to add the number of tickets you want before clicking the Blue GET TICKETS button. The fee is $10.

Registration closes at 5PM Mountain Time on Thursday, May 11th.

Volunteer Day, Saturday May 13

We work from 8:00 or 9:00 AM, depending on the season… starting earlier in summer, later in winter. We begin with a simple opening ceremony, and end sometime in the afternoon, usually around 4:00 PM—but you can come at any time during the day. (Some folks do special projects at other times, to fit their personal schedules, by arrangement with the Director.)

Volunteers who work a “full” day—six hours or more—receive $40 in Beaver Bucks (applicable to any Ardantane event fee). Those who work 3-4 hours receive $20 in Beaver Bucks. First-timers are awarded the Blessed Beaver patch (embroidered emblem) to wear proudly on a cap or work shirt. Everyone receives free lunch and beverages, as well as healthy exercise and camaraderie. Bring your sun hat and work gloves (we have loaners if you need them).

RSVP at if you like.