This week is packed with classes and events

Living the Wheel, May 5

The Pagan spiritual year is based upon our agrarian ancestor’s observations of the cycles of the sun and earth. We celebrate the landmarks of those cycles with our Sabbat celebrations. This Fireside Seminar will review what the major stations of the wheel are, not for celebration purposes, but rather to find how we can integrate the lessons and energies of the cycle into our lives.

Woman with glasses and wearing a green shirtPolaris is a third degree Wiccan Priestess in the Ladywoods Tradition and a Magister in the Order of Paladins. She has been drawn to the natural cycles of the world from a young age and a practicing Pagan since the early 1990s. As a business consultant in the mundane world, she integrates the natural cyclical energies into her work with clients, helping them utilize the prevailing energies and work with those flows rather than struggling against them.

This class is free to supporting members of Ardantane.  Others must register at Be sure to add the number of tickets you want before clicking the Blue GET TICKETS button. The fee is $10.

Registration closes at 5PM Mountain Time on Thursday, May 4th.


Beltane Sabbat

Saturday, May 6, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Ardantane Campus. Free.

There will will songs, stories, fellowship and feasting. Bring a potluck dish or beverage, and wear red and white if you wish. No charge, though freewill donations are welcome.

Call Amber at (505) 469-7777 for directions. You may RSVP at

Wicca 101 Starts May 9

An introduction to the Old Religion, the Craft of the Wise; with history, gods and goddesses, magick and ritual, spiritual practices, customs and traditions, covens and solitaries, cosmology and myths, the Wheel of the Year and more, from experienced Witches.

This class will be taught over four evenings online.  Students will be asked to complete assignments between classes to further their understanding and experience with the subjects covered.

Bridget and Rowan have a combined total of over 70 years of experience practicing and teaching Wicca to students of all backgrounds and skill levels.  Come join them to learn the basics of this unique spiritual practice.

This class will be offered over four Tuesdays in May 9, 16, 23 and 30 between 7 and 9 PM Mountain Standard Time.  It is free to all interested students.  Register at

Registration for this class closes at 5PM on Monday, May 8.